Thursday, January 26, 2017

Wisdom of Life

  •         I do not contradict the wisdom of anyone, for every person has their own wisdom in life according to their place, time, affiliations, conditions, actions... Therefore, my wisdom is about life, not for life.
  •         Do not bind yourselves to the goals of others, instead be the goal they anticipate.
  •         Life does not bend to satisfy anyone; it is however satisfied with its own essence.
  •        The word has not lost its rights and value in existence; however, it is society’s point of view that is losing the meaning and value of the word.
  •         Not only humans, but also the creatures of ALLAH (GOD) have wise characteristics that allow them to stand out.
  •         You might take into account a patient’s wisdom. And through a person with special needs you can learn about optimism. But you can only understand wisdom through your mind, for it is rendered through your morals.
  •         I consider money to be malicious more than it is a blessing. Because of it, humanity lost its innocent ones. Marsallah.
  •          “Money may be considered a sort of blessing. However, health, children, food, endowment with livelihood, and every grace of the Almighty ALLAH (GOD) are considered blessings… Not solely money.” Muhammad Metwali Alshawari.

Witnesses of Hope

Witnesses of Hope

You cannot judge a person with no hands or legs. You cannot judge them by saying they are “deaf”, etc… You cannot condemn them by saying they are “disabled or handicapped.” Through them, we can learn that life is not all about the physical movement of the body, but rather the mental capacity of the mind.
            In existence, the mind is the strongest. Through it, the body moves. So, it is enough to have the determination to create your personality (character). This is how you can be stronger than those who have a perfect body yet lack the mental capacity.
            The strategy here is to know the amount of positivity in you and use it to move others. Through this positivity, you will inspire and motivate them to look at the brighter side of things despite their hopelessness.
            Therefore, you cannot look at people that are blind, lame, or mutilated and say, “I feel sorry for them.” Instead, look at how they manage. With a look of an eye, society might categorize them as people with special needs. However, look closer and you will realize that they can do things you cannot. Wouldn’t that move you? Wouldn’t it give you hope? Those that are physically imperfect may be mentally perfect, and those that are physically perfect may be mentally imperfect.
            As a summary, I want to say that these people are not disabled. They are however witnesses of power, strength, and hope. They may be restricted in flesh, but this did not keep them from moving forward in life. They are the closest and fastest to deliver what they want to say, because the world gives more attention to those that are physically lacking. Therefore, those that are physically lacking would make us look at their works rather than their body parts.
            Here’s what you should understand: those that believe in their (esoteric) inner abilities can overcome all the difficulties to fulfill their desires. This will prove that the confidence they have in themselves is in fact the possibility that will lead them to fulfill their decision. And when they achieve their goals, they’d stand out from the crowd. Why? Because they were up to the challenge. They didn’t cry their tears away. They didn’t feel sorry for themselves. They did however lay out a plan, allowing them to take a special path in their lives– one that presents who they are, one that holds a special entity for them, and one that they themselves have created.
            Therefore, your accomplishments are measured according to your faith in your hidden abilities. The strength is there yet hidden from you. When you set a goal you wish to fulfill, this strength will appear to help you fulfill your desires. Then, you will realize your desires in life and whatever you want from it.
            ALLAH (GOD) made and placed all that you need in the body for the purpose of your self-actualization. These bodies are private lands that carry all the plants of the graces of ALLAH (GOD). As it is from the outside (exoteric), it is also from the inside (esoteric). For example, love is within you. But, when you realize that your goal is close, you strive to extend this love. This love is the hidden ability that originally existed in your mind.

            Therefore, if you have special needs, you can extend your abilities to allow change in your lives.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Who Am I

Who am I?

I am not sadness. I am neither loathing nor hatred, neither darkness nor death. I am hope, joy, fun, fairness, and life…
I am the one who does not long for love, security, and beauty… because I did not let go of them in the first place. Instead, I embrace them, and through this embrace, their existence gives me faith.
I am the one who was not born to die.
I am the one who erases sadness from the souls.
I am the one who speaks her mind, I will not stop and let those ideas die in me.
I am the one who never mixes agony with joy; I do however consign pain to the grave and live in joy.
I am the one who cultivates the wrong-doers with blessings, and teach them how to play the melodies of the spirit’s chords.
I am love; when you love, you will know me. I am peace; when you live peacefully, you will understand me.
I am LOVE. I do not conceal myself from the people. I am the wise, happy, and fortunate one. I am the one who earnestly awaits…
I am the sparrow that tweets in the trees, the butterfly that flutters about in space, the bee that sucks the flower’s nectar, the ant that works effortlessly, the water that rains on the fields and the streets, the sun that shines on the valleys, the moon that guards those who stay up late, the author that safeguards her writings from the ignorant…
I am the one who would give up bread for the sake of freedom.
I am the one who was imprisoned so that her thoughts/ideas would remain free of sectarian beliefs.
So, do not ask me who I am. Without me, your life and human rights would be lost.
Do you still not know who I am?
I am the one you abandoned and ignored. I am the one you denied through your dogmas, doctrines, traditions, denominations, and sects… And when the rooster crowed, you remembered me.
I am the word. No one but the mind can force me to speak.
I am the one who offers daily proverbs of your lives.
I am the one who loved the ideas, because they are vital to your existence.
I am the love if you seek love. I am hope if you seek hope, and I am faith if you believe…
Do you now know who I am?
I am a human-being that carries the qualities and works of humanity according to the cosmic law.
What’s important is that my ideas have never abandoned me. Why? Because I answer to them, so they revive me.
Both the idea and the word work hand in hand to fulfill your purpose. If you bury them away, you’ll perish, and if you reveal them, you’ll live.
Do you now know who I am?
I am the one who is not moved by the storms, because they are temporary and will pass. I am the one who is not shaken by sectarian beliefs, because they are misconceptions that will pass. I am the one who builds a home from her ideas and words.

I am the one who knows who she is.
I am a female, a mother, a nurturer, a teacher, and creator of generations.
I am that mother... if you lay upon my chest, you sleep; if you cry on my lap, you’ll be filled. And if you seek shelter, you will be sheltered; if you fall ill, I will take care of you; if you are sad, I will closely embrace you.
If you are cold, I will keep you warm. If you hunger, I will fill you with compassion.
·        It’s essential to be mindful of your thoughts. This will allow you to remain in control of your daily matters.
·        Some have familiarized themselves with sorrow until it became an inseparable part of them, saying, “I was the sovereign ruler of all smiles, yet now I have become the sovereign ruler of all sorrows. I am no longer the queen or king of the wonderful descriptions, but rather the ruthless person that knows no love…
All these qualities point out to laziness (dispiritedness), loss, and despair… I know who these people are, they are the dead.
Therefore, individuals are known for their personal writings. Are they life’s hope? Are they the optimists with a clear vision of their objectives?
This doesn’t mean that the optimist oversees the distressed and the sad. Quite the contrary. The optimist looks at them through life’s optimistic perspective.
For that reason, nothing can die from my imaginations. Although, it is possible to see the dead dying and the alive living.
·        You don’t have to be dead to see the dead. You do, however, have to be alive to see the living among the dead.
Here’s what I noticed:
Thieves don’t steal your sadness, poverty, and pain. They do, however, steal your joy, abundance, and health…
Life is sweet and pretty… In your eyes, you’ll see it pretty; taste it, and it’ll taste sweet.
Life neither changes nor is replaced. However, your perspective and taste in life change. So, keep on smiling and don’t let sadness take away your smile. Have fun and don’t let seriousness take away your joy.
Have hobbies! Don’t let your responsibilities keep your from realizing your hobbies.
The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. – Nelson Mandela

Don’t exaggerate your assumptions about me so that I won’t let you down. Don’t negatively make assumptions so you won’t let me down. Do not assume at all, and let me be as I am. – Ahmad Al Shugairi.


The LAW is Religion

The LAW is Religion
Creativity, originality… flow from the mind.
From HIS being, ALLAH (GOD) created existence, and this existence is the universe. The universe moves according to the order of the deific law. This entire system in the universe is controlled by a mastermind. So, it is impossible for any creature to move on its own. The universe has a strict and accurate system, and one is there to tend it. ALLAH (GOD), the creator of the universe – is beyond the universe.
Therefore, this universe has a law that tends all that ALLAH (GOD) has made. This law governs all creatures through rules, duties, behaviors and the methodologies of life. The law’s objective in life is to maintain every creature’s right. Through this law, humans will identify themselves according to the choices they make, not only in appearance but also in essence.
The law is widespread and universal. It governs all the creatures of ALLAH (GOD) according to the Royal Order, with exception to the human soul. For ALLAH (GOD) gave the human-being a humanitarian soul. Humans have the freedom to choose their existence through their humanity. ALLAH (GOD) brought humans into existence after he made the creatures. ALLAH (GOD) created the creatures, gave them fruits of the laws, as they practiced the rituals of religious rites. After all that, the humans came into existence. The Humans did not come first. Had it not been for all that before, would humans have come into existence? Therefore, through the fruits of nature, animals and their religious rites, humans came into existence. All the human’s vital rights are preserved: the laws, rules, and ordinances of ALLAH (GOD).
Therefore, the human is expected to choose his/her personality (character) from the creation of ALLAH (GOD), and that’s because he/she cannot choose one from nothingness. Then and only then, he/she would decide who he/she wants to become.
Therefore, a human-being has the freedom of choice to create a personality for him/her soul that lacks an entity. And of course, from the very existence of the being, one would create him/her-self.
The human-being alone has the right to form a personality for him/herself by choosing from the creation of ALLAH (GOD) through the admiration of all HIS creation and its methodology of the law. Let’s suppose that man came first. Out of what would he make his personality?
Like all creatures, the human-being has laws. But unlike all creatures, the human-being has a soul that has the freedom to choose a personality from the creation of ALLAH (GOD). Then, the soul would acquire a humanitarian entity. It is the human that learns from the creatures and not the opposite way around. The same way he/she learns from the existing entity, he/she can discover and learn from the existing light.
When one’s personality has been nurtured, it becomes ready to be announced, thus, displaying the fruits of religious rites and putting its rituals into practice. Only then, would we acknowledge that this person is religious. Therefore, words alone don’t make a person religious. Performing his/her cosmic role – that ALLAH (GOD) has set before him/her – is what makes him/her religious. Only then would this person be within the Cosmic Order.
All rules and duties have a law, and this specific law is for all daily purposes, all ages, and all genders. This law doesn’t change. It is realistic and gentle. It tends the people and their conditions. It gives each his/her right. It is valid for every place, for every time, and to all mankind. The human-being has the full right to be whoever he/she wants to be. And when he/she nurtures the character they choose, then alone would he/she know who they are.

The Rules of the Law and its Duties (Ordinances).
The Law consists of a set of rules. For that reason, a creed is not like the law, because if you followed the creed you would ignore the law. This is exactly what the soul inherits: habits, beliefs, practices, methods, behaviors, and appearances.
ALLAH (GOD) made you similar in formation and not in thought (through which you will create yourselves). Therefore, your bodies are formed according to the order of creation; but, your souls are free to choose whatever they want from the order of humanity.
Therefore, every person chooses his/her religion from his/her humanity, and practices it based on the Law, evolving in the process. This is the freedom he/she gained from ALLAH (GOD). In this way, you will be your own self without being bound to certain habits that make you imitate the public’s appearances.
The people have placed a law that measures their actions. Every country has a constitution (a body of fundamental principles) that works equally for all people. And every constitution differs from one country to the other (economics, commercial, penal laws, etc…). The same applies to traditions, doctrines, and concepts: countries are rarely similar in comparison. All these are bound to change according to certain needs and intellectual developments. Laws are obliterated, rules are erased; beliefs and traditions make way for change. Unbalanced laws change according to certain conditions.
However, the LAW of ALLAH (GOD) can neither be altered nor changed. The LAW is the deific nature of ALLAH (GOD), unchanged. For that reason, ALLAH (GOD) gave your soul the freedom to create your character, through which you are or you are not. Meaning, the soul judges itself by proving its cosmic existence on earth. And this creation that it has become established in, becomes its religion. This is how a human is responsible for his/her religiosity.
For example, does an ant quit from moving its food to its hill? Do the waters stop from quenching our thirst? Does the tree stop bearing its fruits? Does the horse stop neighing? Does the bee stop from pollinating a flower? Does the human-being abandon sleep, work, food, etc… Do all body parts abandon their function? Regardless of how different the image of humanity may be, creation is one, its source is one, and all functions work according to their job. Doesn’t the eye fulfill its duty according to its law? How about the nose? All these body parts participate to work as one under a general law. The ears never desire to be the eyes, the mouth never desires to be an ear, tongue, mind, brain, etc… They cannot change the LAW they've been given. This LAW therefore is an established system composed of vital laws, whereby each and every one of these parts fulfills its rituals of religious rites.
Therefore, whatever your race, habit, belief, doctrine, denomination, and regardless of your geographical, environmental, or social status, you move according to the LAW. All creatures carry out their tasks regularly and serenely. This particular system fully exits in your body without complaining or stopping. This system performs in perfect serenity without delay. Every body part contains a special law that allows it to work in harmony with other parts. With that being said, every creature carries out the rituals of the religious rites. And if the soul wishes to remain within the LAW, it should improve its performance.
In principle, all this defines the law of the body to continue doing what it does best so that the soul may choose its character. Yes, the human-being is a mysterious character until he/she decides who he/she wants to be.
Therefore, if you retained a little, ALLAH would reward you with a lot. Then, you would be known as the Crown Prince/Princess, the one who writes for the people and instructs them to be just, fully cooperating in their personal actualization. This is how we reach the New Testament (Covenant), meaning a new deific rule, because whatever you earn from this person, will reign through you. The facts won’t vary as long as the source of the laws are one. Therefore, the body, soul, and spirit are within these laws.
Through the spirit, everything in the body endures.
The body was created and its laws are ever-so present in life: the eye sees, the nose smells, the mouth eats, the tongue speaks… Every body part has a role, and every part works with another in harmony to keep the body alive.
The self, however, is a humanitarian soul that exists in the body until it becomes the personality it chooses to be. Therefore, the body is creation’s perfect entity that offers the soul its personal humanitarian existence.
As ALLAH (GOD) created nature and animals before humans, he also made the body before the creation of the soul’s personal humanitarian existence. Therefore, the humanitarian soul is in itself freedom.
It is possible for the soul to yearn for its humanity, thus allowing it to develop its individuality. This is a law acquired from ALLAH (GOD). Therefore, humanity is at the soul’s service. So is all creation.
To the soul that wishes to develop a personal character from its humanity, hers are the laws of spiritual gifts. As it is from the outside (exoteric), let it be so from the inside (esoteric). 
In this Self-Actualization process, the soul chooses whatever it desires: professions, crafts, hobbies, talents, etc. When the soul craves these works, actions, smell, fragrance, colors, taste, etc… a personality would then emerge: one that carries the soul’s name, habitat, fruits, time and place. This is how it puts to practice the rituals or the rites of the religious system of ALLAH (GOD). This personality (that the soul itself has created), is connected, interdependent, linked, and working in harmony in creation’s universal establishment.
Therefore, ALLAH (GOD) doesn’t look at your wrong-doings but rather at who you will become. Will you remain within HIS religious law and immortalize into universal creation?
As long as the order of creation is yours to choose from, why do you need to affiliate yourself with sects, ideologies, and their rituals?
ALLAH (GOD) has placed a LAW for HIS cosmic order. The souls, on the other hand, have placed laws for their ideologies, sects, and confessions… Through which their own rituals exist outside the scope of the cosmic order. For example, the person that marries within their sect, would carry out the sect’s ideologies, rituals, and doctrines. This is not a plan of the cosmic order.
This also means that you are rejecting the cosmic order of marriage, and rather drifting to what is apart from the order: sectarian rituals. All creatures move according to the cosmic order, so why are the souls worried about doing the same thing? As long as you believe that ALLAH (GOD) is merciful, why don’t you get married according to HIS cosmic order? As long as HE is your creator and the mastermind of your livelihood, why do you carried away by the denominations?
Despite all this, ALLAH (GOD) does not look at your wrong-doings but rather at who you will become.
Therefore, a lemon tree produces lemons. This is its law in fruit-bearing. This is the same with humans. A human produces a: doctor, engineer, farmer, carpenter, etc… this is your fruit-bearing personality. This is how people engage and put them into practice. These actions are rituals of religious rites, where all people work hand in hand to serve one another.
So, you cannot use the words “me, myself, and I” before you have created your own personality. Once you wear or embellish yourself with the works and actions of “a doctor,” then you can say, “I am a doctor, I am a husband, I am a mother, etc… This is not arrogance, as one might say; this is to confirm the personality (character) created within. Once created, you would daily practice it according to the ritual of religious rites. The ritual of religious rites are the laws of spiritual gifts in professions, talents, hobbies, etc…
ALLAH (GOD) has given everything a human may need, through which he/she can create the “I am,” then he/she would say, “I am the doctor,” because he/she willingly formed his/her personality; this is the law of freedom gained from ALLAH (GOD).
Therefore, not through the babbling of prayers are you considered a believer of ALLAH (GOD), but rather through the formation of your character. And he/she who doesn’t bear fruit will be plucked from the ground.
So, whoever is not part of the scope of the cosmic order is not considered religious. To know more and raise awareness of this knowledge and truth, we will deal with this contemplation thoroughly and serenely. Together we will pursue our research in the formation of one’s self (self-actualization) with the laws of spiritual gifts.

To be continued…